Clear the Skin with Natural Treatments for Acne

 When hair follicles get plugged with oil, dirt, and dead skin cells, the skin gets infected and shows up with pimples, blackheads or whiteheads. This skin condition is called acne and commonly affects teenagers, though it is also seen in people of different ages.

Acne symptoms may appear as pus-filled pimples, flat blackheads, tender bumps or large, painful, swollen bumps on the skin. Often, doctors advise antibiotics, topical ointments, and face cleansers to clear the skin. However, it is seen that over-the-counter medications and prescription antibiotics rarely help remove the face.

The best naturopathic doctor in Los Angeles suggests effective acne treatments for you to choose from. The bumps and pimples often respond to most of these therapies and start healing slowly, but they never seem to go away permanently. The "old lot" of spots settle down but pave the way for a new crop, and the cycle seems to continue!

alternative treatments for acne

The "never-ending" acne can be very severe and can scar the skin permanently, causing extreme emotional distress. Start natural treatments for acne with naturopathy and healing herbs to improve the skin and minimize the acne. It's better to control the acne breakouts and start the treatments well in time so there is no scarring due to zits or pimples.

Common reasons for acne on the chest, forehead, face, shoulders and upper back include:

1. Sebum or oil blocks the hair follicle, causing the follicle wall to bulge out and form a whitehead.

2. Dead skin cells block the follicle, causing swelling and muck to collect. Here, the plug remains open, and the accumulated dirt makes the surface dark, causing a blackhead. This blackhead gets full of oily grime and develops infections.

3. Bacterial growth leads to infections.

4. Inflammation just under the skin due to blockages

5. Hormonal disorders and upheaval in their secretion during puberty can lead to increased sebum or oil production. The sebaceous glands enlarge, and the body has higher sebum due to hormonal changes. This condition is often seen in puberty and middle-aged women.

6. Certain medicines: Some people react negatively to drugs containing testosterone, steroids or lithium, and their skin shows acne breakouts.

7. Stress and anxiety: Stressful moments act as a trigger for the body and aggravate the acne symptoms.

8. Diet: Foods or drinks containing caffeine, sodas, excessive fats such as chips, carbohydrate-rich foods, etc., can worsen the symptoms, according to some research studies. Thus, a healthy, balanced diet with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals can clear the skin. Follow the dietary restrictions advised by your dermatologist, and for this, you can ask for a free consultation and get yourself examined first.

Many times, the self-care remedies do not help control the acne. You need to contact a holistic doctor who deals with the body as a whole and specializes in natural treatments for the skin. Don't let the acne persist for years. Take care of it now by taking a free consultation from a trained dermatologist who deals with naturopathy.

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